Monday, 10 January 2011

a major milestone!!!

On Friday, 7 January 2011 we received the most beautiful email in our inbox. It stated:

Dear Applicant, 
Your application has reached the final stage of processing. So that your Permanent Resident visa(s) can be issued, you must now submit the documents below...

Woo-hoooo!!! YAY! Yippeeeee! Hooray!
When I saw the email my first thought was: 'No, it can't be. Don't get your hopes up, just read the email and see.'
I read the email as calmly as I could and then I started giggling and crying all at the same time. I emailed Mr Fluff and almost immediately the phone rang. I knew it would be Mr Fluff on the phone and I didn't want to answer it because I couldn't speak properly. I was too emotional. I picked up the phone and the shortest conversation in history ensued:
"Why are you crying? Are you upset or are you happy?"
"I don't know. Happy. I just can't believe it" sniff sniff gulp
"I know. I don't know if I'm excited or terrified. Are we insane? What the hell are we thinking!? Are we really going to Canada?"
"I guess so. Faaaahk!"

Both of us were a bit shell shocked to say the least .We've been waiting for this for so long and stressing every day that it won't arrive before our rental contract ends. We were a bit dumbstruck when it finally came.

I guess that means we're going to Canada. Calgary. And soon.

Our contract runs out at the end of March and we did not want to sign into another 12 month lease, so this email from Canada Immigration arrived just in the nick of time.

What happens now?
Mr Fluff will be taking our passports, photos and Updated Information chart to the High Commission in London in person on Thursday (the only day available to hand it in personally), and two Thursdays later our passports will be ready for collection, proudly displaying our shiny and new permanent residency visas. Wooo-hoo!!!

Meanwhile, I'm arranging for movers to come around for valuations. We hope to get everything packed up at the end of February and to fly out with the pets early March.

The pets are sorted. Tests and shots all done. I just need to arrange with the pet transport company to book their flights, get their kennels ordered and book their space on a flight, so that we can book seats on the same plane.

Then there is about a million other things that I will have to sort out - stuff to sell, stuff to give to charity, stuff to take to the dump, stuff to clean (camping gear, tools, bikes and and and), stuff to cancel, people to inform, people to see, accommodation, car, etc. and so on and so forth. So much to do, so little time! 

We are so pleased that we can finally get the ball rolling. Wish us good luck, and don't worry, I will keep you all updated along our final (hopefully!) inter-continental journey. 

Buy the ticket, take the ride!

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

New Year's Eve 2010

Happy 2011!

Let's hope it is a happy, positive, prosperous, exciting and fulfilling year for all.

This is going to be a very short post. Just a quickie to share a few pics with you.

We planned a nice quiet evening at home together sipping on some bubbly, enjoying some yummy food and then watching a film or two. Most importantly, we wanted to stay awake to welcome in the new year, and for the first time in I don't know how many moons we actually did it, and about two seconds later we were asleep.

Incredibly though - and we have no idea how this happened - Mr Fluff turned into a cowboy and SpankySparkle into a flower fairy! The two of them had loads of fun dancing and laughing and playing silly buggers.

it's all about the accessories

Old No. 7


thinking a bit of magic would be fun!

showing a fairy the moves

quick cuddle

Thankfully by midnight we were ourselves again, sort of.

Our plan was to light a sky lantern and watch it float away into the dark sky in the first minutes of 2011, but as I mentioned before we only just made it to midnight. So we sent the lantern filled with our hopes and dreams into the future a few days later, watching its golden glow float higher and further into the night sky until it was just a tiny, bright speck. It finally disappeared completely. Beautiful.