Friday 25 February 2011

parlez-vous français?

Me neither, but I'll have to learn, and FAST!

Mr Fluff accepted a fabulous job offer in Geneva, and starts the last week of March. Unbelievable! I guess we're going to Switzerland/France!!

Who could have predicted that this will happen? The world works in mysterious ways, that's for sure.

We don't have much time to organise everything, so we better get cracking. And we must plan a trip to Canada to activate our residency. You never know what the future holds, as I've so spectacularly proved.

So,what next?
Our plan is to find accommodation in France, where I will learn French and try to take over the world, but first we'll live in Geneva for a few weeks until we find a suitable spot to plant our feet.

If you had asked us ten years ago where we would picture ourselves in 2011, we would never, ever have said France or Geneva. Never. German-speaking Switzerland? Maybe. New Zealand? Probably. Canada? Why not. THAT is what is going to make this so exciting. It will certainly be an adventure.

This time will also be a tad different to previous moves that we made to England, Germany, and back to England, because this time it is meant to be forever. Unless we hate it. Which I doubt, very much. But if we do, we'll head straight for Canada.

I don't want to jinx it or anything, I think it will be great and that we will be ecstatic and happy so near the Swiss/French/Italian Alps, but obviously we are both sad that our path is not taking us to Canada now. At least we can visit, eh? Woo-Hoo!! And visit we will!

Europe is a fantastic place to live. We are so lucky to have this opportunity, and we are very excited. Bubbling over. Summer is going to be mind-blowing. Phew, lucky indeed.

The only thing that is trying to kill the excitement is the French thing. I can't even pretend to know how to pronounce a word, never mind spell it, but I will learn. That's my job. I just wish I could insert a little French chip into my brain and be fluent in a day. HAHAHA Wouldn't that be fun! What is that thing they say? Patience is a virtue. Mmmmm.

Anyway, I have already bought French lessons for home learning, and Mr Fluff copied it to his phone this morning, so I better get learning! I don't want to fall behind now...

One more thought before I go... don't expect me to ever support France in any sporting event. I just can't do it. Sorry.

Or can I?

Au Revoir till next time *huge grin*

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